60 research outputs found

    Data for functional MRI connectivity in transgender people with gender incongruence and cisgender individuals

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    We provide T2 *-weighted and T1-weighted images acquired on a 3T MRI scanner obtained from 17 transwomen and 29 transmen with gender incongruence; and 22 ciswomen and 19 cismen that identified themselves to the sex assigned at birth. Data from three different techniques that describe global and regional connectivity differences within functional resting-state networks in transwomen and trans men with early-in-life onset gender incongruence are provided: (1) we obtained spatial maps from data-driven independent component analysis using the melodic tool from FSL software; (2) we provide the functional networks interactions of two functional atlases' seeds from a seed to-seed approach; (3) and global graph-theoretical metrics such as the smallworld organization, and the segregation and integration properties of the networks. Interpretations of the present dataset can be found in the original article, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116613 [1] . The original and pro cessed nifti images are available in Mendeley datasets. In addition, correlation matrices for the seed-to-seed and graph theory analyses as well as the graph-theoretical measures were made available in Matlab files. Finally, we present supplementary information for the original article. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc

    Brain network interactions in transgender individuals with gender incongruence

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    Functional brain organization in transgender persons remains unclear. Our aims were to investigate global and regional connectivity differences within functional networks in transwomen and transmen with early-in-life onset gender incongruence; and to test the consistency of two available hypotheses that attempted to explain gender variants: (i) a neurodevelopmental cortical hypothesis that suggests the existence of different brain phenotypes based on structural MRI data and genes polymorphisms of sex hormone receptors; (ii) a functional-based hypothesis in relation to regions involved in the own body perception. T2*-weighted images in a 3-T MRI were obtained from 29 transmen and 17 transwomen as well as 22 cisgender women and 19 cisgender men. Restingstate independent component analysis, seed-to-seed functional network and graph theory analyses were performed. Transmen, transwomen, and cisgender women had decreased connectivity compared with cisgender men in superior parietal regions, as part of the salience (SN) and the executive control (ECN) networks. Transmen also had weaker connectivity compared with cisgender men between intra-SN regions and weaker inter-network connectivity between regions of the SN, the default mode network (DMN), the ECN and the sensorimotor network. Transwomen had lower small-worldness, modularity and clustering coefficient than cisgender men. There were no differences among transmen, transwomen, and ciswomen. Together these results underline the importance of the SN interacting with DMN, ECN, and sensorimotor networks in transmen, involving regions of the entire brain with a frontal predominance. Reduced global connectivity graph-theoretical measures were a characteristic of transwomen. It is proposed that the interaction between networks is a keystone in building a gendered self. Finally, our findings suggest that both proposed hypotheses are complementary in explaining brain differences between gender variants

    Neuroimaging of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder and its relation to Parkinson's disease

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    Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a parasomnia characterized by polysomnography-confirmed REM sleep without atonia and dream-enacting behaviors. This disorder is considered a prodromal syndrome of alpha-synucleinopathies like Parkinson's disease (PD), where it affects more than 50% of PD patients. The underlying pathology of RBD has been generally understood to involve the pontine nuclei within the brainstem. However, the complete pathophysiology beyond the brainstem remains unclear as does its relationship with PD pathology. Therefore, this review aims to survey the neuroimaging literature involving PET, SPECT, and MR imaging techniques to provide an updated understanding of the neuro-chemical, structural, and functional changes in both RBD and PD patients comorbid with RBD. This review found neuroimaging evidence that indicate alterations to the dopaminergic and cholinergic system, blood perfusion, and glucose metabolism in both RBD patients and PD patients with RBD. Beyond the brainstem, structural and functional changes were found to involve the nigrostriatal system, limbic system, and the cortex-suggesting that RBD is a multi-systemic neurodegenerative process. Future investigations are encouraged to follow RBD patients longitudinally using multimodal imaging techniques to enhance our understanding of this parasomnia disorder. Uncovering which individuals are most likely to develop an alpha-synuclein disorder in the prodromal phase will improve patient outcomes and potentially aid in the development of novel treatments for patients affected by RBD

    Brain connectivity dynamics in cisgender and transmen people with gender incongruence before gender affirmative hormone treatment

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    Large-scale brain network interactions have been described between trans- and cis-gender binary identities. However, a temporal perspective of the brain's spontaneous fuctuations is missing. We investigated the functional connectivity dynamics in transmen with gender incongruence and its relationship with interoceptive awareness. We describe four states in native and meta-state spaces: (i) one state highly prevalent with sparse overall connections; (ii) a second with strong couplings mainly involving components of the salience, default, and executive control networks. Two states with global sparse connectivity but positive couplings (iii) within the sensorimotor network, and (iv) between salience network regions. Transmen had more dynamical fuidity than cismen, while cismen presented less meta-state fuidity and range dynamism than transmen and ciswomen. A positive association between attention regulation and fuidity and meta-state range dynamism was found in transmen. There exist gender diferences in the temporal brain dynamism, characterized by distinct interrelations of the salience network as catalyst interacting with other networks. We ofer a functional explanation from the neurodevelopmental cortical hypothesis of a gendered-self

    Brain network interactions in transgender individuals with gender incongruence

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    Functional brain organization in transgender persons remains unclear. Our aims were to investigate global and regional connectivity differences within functional networks in transwomen and transmen with early-in-life onset gender incongruence; and to test the consistency of two available hypotheses that attempted to explain gender variants: (i) a neurodevelopmental cortical hypothesis that suggests the existence of different brain phenotypes based on structural MRI data and genes polymorphisms of sex hormone receptors; (ii) a functional-based hypothesis in relation to regions involved in the own body perception. T2*-weighted images in a 3-T MRI were obtained from 29 transmen and 17 transwomen as well as 22 cisgender women and 19 cisgender men. Restingstate independent component analysis, seed-to-seed functional network and graph theory analyses were performed. Transmen, transwomen, and cisgender women had decreased connectivity compared with cisgender men in superior parietal regions, as part of the salience (SN) and the executive control (ECN) networks. Transmen also had weaker connectivity compared with cisgender men between intra-SN regions and weaker inter-network connectivity between regions of the SN, the default mode network (DMN), the ECN and the sensorimotor network. Transwomen had lower small-worldness, modularity and clustering coefficient than cisgender men. There were no differences among transmen, transwomen, and ciswomen. Together these results underline the importance of the SN interacting with DMN, ECN, and sensorimotor networks in transmen, involving regions of the entire brain with a frontal predominance. Reduced global connectivity graph-theoretical measures were a characteristic of transwomen. It is proposed that the interaction between networks is a keystone in building a gendered self. Finally, our findings suggest that both proposed hypotheses are complementary in explaining brain differences between gender variants

    Data for functional MRI connectivity in transgender people with gender incongruence and cisgender individuals

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    We provide T2*-weighted and T1-weighted images acquired on a 3T MRI scanner obtained from 17 transwomen and 29 transmen with gender incongruence; and 22 ciswomen and 19 cismen that identified themselves to the sex assigned at birth. Data from three different techniques that describe global and regional connectivity differences within functional resting-state networks in transwomen and transmen with early-in-life onset gender incongruence are provided: (1) we obtained spatial maps from data-driven independent component analysis using the melodic tool from FSL software; (2) we provide the functional networks interactions of two functional atlases' seeds from a seed-to-seed approach; (3) and global graph-theoretical metrics such as the smallworld organization, and the segregation and integration properties of the networks. Interpretations of the present dataset can be found in the original article, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116613[1]. The original and processed nifti images are available in Mendeley datasets. In addition, correlation matrices for the seed-to-seed and graph-theory analyses as well as the graph-theoretical measures were made available in Matlab files. Finally, we present supplementary information for the original article

    Neuroanatomical and Functional Correlates of Cognitive and Affective Empathy in Young Healthy Adults

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    Neural substrates of empathy are mainly investigated through task-related functional MRI. However, the functional neural mechanisms at rest underlying the empathic response have been poorly studied. We aimed to investigate neuroanatomical and functional substrates of cognitive and affective empathy. The self-reported empathy questionnaire Cognitive and Affective Empathy Test (TECA), T1 and T2∗-weighted 3-Tesla MRI were obtained from 22 healthy young females (mean age: 19.6 ± 2.4) and 20 males (mean age: 22.5 ± 4.4). Groups of low and high empathy were established for each scale. FreeSurfer v6.0 was used to estimate cortical thickness and to automatically segment the subcortical structures. FSL v5.0.10 was used to compare resting-state connectivity differences between empathy groups in six defined regions: the orbitofrontal, cingulate, and insular cortices, and the amygdala, hippocampus, and thalamus using a non-parametric permutation approach. The high empathy group in the Perspective Taking subscale (cognitive empathy) had greater thickness in the left orbitofrontal and ventrolateral frontal cortices, bilateral anterior cingulate, superior frontal, and occipital regions. Within the affective empathy scales, subjects with high Empathic Distress had higher thalamic volumes than the low-empathy group. Regarding resting-state connectivity analyses, low-empathy individuals in the Empathic Happiness scale had increased connectivity between the orbitofrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate when compared with the high-empathy group. In conclusion, from a structural point of view, there is a clear dissociation between the brain correlates of affective and cognitive factors of empathy. Neocortical correlates were found for the cognitive empathy dimension, whereas affective empathy is related to lower volumes in subcortical structures. Functionally, affective empathy is linked to connectivity between the orbital and cingulate cortices

    Whole-brain dynamics differentiate among cisgender and transgender individuals

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    How the brain represents gender identity is largely unknown, but some neural differences have recently been discovered. We used an intrinsic ignition framework to investigate whether there are gender differences in the propagation of neural activity across the whole-brain and within resting-state networks. Studying 29 trans men and 17 trans women with gender incongruence, 22 cis women, and 19 cis men, we computed the capability of a given brain area in space to propagate activity to other areas (mean-ignition), and the variability across time for each brain area (node-metastability). We found that both measurements differentiated all groups across the whole brain. At the network level, we found that compared to the other groups, cis men showed higher mean-ignition of the dorsal attention network and node-metastability of the dorsal and ventral attention, executive control, and temporal parietal networks. We also found higher mean-ignition values in cis men than in cis women within the executive control network, but higher mean-ignition in cis women than cis men and trans men for the default mode. Node-metastability was higher in cis men than cis women in the somatomotor network, while both mean-ignition and node-metastability were higher for cis men than trans men in the limbic network. Finally, we computed correlations between these measurements and a body image satisfaction score. Trans men's dissatisfaction as well as cis men's and cis women's satisfaction toward their own body image were distinctively associated with specific networks in each group. Overall, the study of the whole-brain network dynamical complexity discriminates gender identity groups, functional dynamic approaches could help disentangle the complex nature of the gender dimension in the brain

    Patterns of cortical thinning in nondemented Parkinson's disease patients

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    Background: Clinical variability in the Parkinson's disease phenotype suggests the existence of disease subtypes. We investigated whether distinct anatomical patterns of atrophy can be identified in Parkinson's disease using a hypothesis-free, datadriven approach based on cortical thickness data. Methods: T1-weighted 3-tesla MRI and a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment were performed in a sample of 88 nondemented Parkinson's disease patients and 31 healthy controls. We performed a hierarchical cluster analysis of imaging data using Ward's linkage method. A general linear model with cortical thickness data was used to compare clustering groups. Results: We observed 3 patterns of cortical thinning in patients when compared with healthy controls. Pattern 1 (n530, 34.09%) consisted of cortical atrophy in bilateral precentral gyrus, inferior and superior parietal lobules, cuneus, posterior cingulate, and parahippocampal gyrus. These patients showed worse cognitive performance when compared with controls and the other 2 patterns. Pattern 2 (n529, 32.95%) consisted of cortical atrophy involving occipital and frontal as well as superior parietal areas and included patients with younger age at onset. Finally, in pattern 3 (n529, 32.95%), there was no detectable cortical thinning. Patients in the 3 patterns did not differ in disease duration, motor severity, dopaminergic medication doses, or presence of mild cognitive impairment. Conclusions: Three cortical atrophy subtypes were identified in nondemented Parkinson's disease patients: (1) parieto-temporal pattern of atrophy with worse cognitive performance, (2) occipital and frontal cortical atrophy and younger disease onset, and (3) patients without detectable cortical atrophy. These findings may help identify prognosis markers in Parkinson's disease. VC 2016 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Societ

    Disrupted functional connectivity in PD with probable RBD and its cognitive correlates

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    Recent studies associated rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) in Parkinson's disease (PD) with severe cognitive impairment and brain atrophy. However, whole-brain functional connectivity has never been explored in this group of PD patients. In this study, whole-brain network-based statistics and graph-theoretical approaches were used to characterize resting-state interregional functional connectivity in PD with probable RBD (PD-pRBD) and its relationship with cognition. Our sample consisted of 30 healthy controls, 32 PD without probable RBD (PD-non pRBD), and 27 PD-pRBD. The PD-pRBD group showed reduced functional connectivity compared with controls mainly involving cingulate areas with temporal, frontal, insular, and thalamic regions (p < 0.001). Also, the PD-pRBD group showed reduced functional connectivity between right ventral posterior cingulate and left medial precuneus compared with PD-non pRBD (p < 0.05). We found increased normalized characteristic path length in PD-pRBD compared with PD-non pRBD. In the PD-pRBD group, mean connectivity strength from reduced connections correlated with visuoperceptual task and normalized characteristic path length correlated with processing speed and verbal memory tasks. This work demonstrates the existence of disrupted functional connectivity in PD-pRBD, together with abnormal network integrity, that supports its consideration as a severe PD subtype
